Thursday, December 4, 2008
Social Justice & Personal Model of Education

Monday, November 17, 2008
Marriage & Relationship Recognition

The GLBT community have been fighting for equal rights for many, many years. Although, for some reason, based on their sexual orientation, others believe it to be a choice or a lifestyle. It is much more than that, it is a part of who he/she is as a human being. With recent social issues concerning the GLBT community, such as California’s Proposition 8 (Same-Sex Marriage Amendment). Many Californians have been fighting constantly and consistently for their right to same-sex marriage. But they are being treated more like second-class citizens. Who decides to take away someone’s right to be with the person they truly love, whether it be man/man or woman/woman? Isn’t love the same for all couples? Doesn’t everyone have the right to full and utter happiness? These are questions that plague me. Why are GLBT couples treated differently than heterosexual couples? What sort of injustice and unconstitutional world are we living in?
Some may say that we have come a long way. According to the final statement from NO on PROP 8 Campaign, up until 1974 same-sex intimacy was a crime in California. There wasn’t single law recognizing the relationships of same-sex couples until 1984 — passed by the Berkeley School District. San Francisco did not pass domestic-partner protections until 1990, the state of California following in 2005. And in 2000, Proposition 22 passed with a 23% majority.
- Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California.
- Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.
Protestors, both gay and straight have been protesting against the Prop 8 ever since the amendment passed. Holding rallies and marches all over the state of California. Celebrities have also played a major role in the fight for equality amongst GLBT. Involvement included, Ellen DeGeneres, Melissa Etheridge, Wanda Sykes, Drew Barrymore, Ricki Lake, and numerous other celebrities! We need to work together as human beings to help increase peace around not only America, but around the world.
Marriage and relationship recognition...
...Is that so much to ask for?
Nov. 10: In a Special Comment, Countdown's Keith Olbermann disagrees with the passing of Proposition 8 in California and urges people to accept love between people of the same sex.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Vocational Schools and Education in the United States

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Maria Montessori: The Woman and Her Method

Maria Montessori believed that education of the senses developed first, then the education of the intellect would follow soon after. Montessori developed a teaching program that enabled 'defective' children to read and write. She sought to teach skills not by having children repeatedly try it, but by developing exercises that prepare them. These exercises would then be repeated: Looking becomes reading; touching becomes writing.
The success of her method then caused her to ask questions of 'normal' education and the ways in which failed children. Maria began to test her program and ideas with the establishment of the first Casa dei Bambini (Children's house or household), Rome in 1907. The house and those who believed in what it represented, were designed to provide a good environment for children to live and learn. An emphasis of self-determination and self-realization was instilled. This developed a concern for others and discipline, and to engage children in exercices de la vie pratique (exercise in daily living). Her main contributions to the work of those of us raising and educating children are in these areas:
- Preparing the most natural and life-supporting environments for the child
- Observing the child living freely in this environment
- Continually adapting the environment in order that the child may fulfill his or her greatest potential, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
With great knowledge comes deep inspiration, children teach themselves. This was the simple but profound truth that Montessori's lifelong pursuit of educational reform, methodology, psychology, teaching, and teacher training—all based on her dedication to furthering the self-creating process of the child.
Social Justice Education: Resident Life Hires Social Justice Education Coordinator

Mohammed Naser, the newly hired social justice education coordinator, will be responsible for helping to introduce more targeted programs in the UA's residence halls.
The university feels that the students living in the resident halls at AU will get more pointed education on social justice issues. Naser 's role is to educate the students living on campus housing about diversity and social justice issues. He is helping Residence Life to redefine its focus on social justice education and tailor it to the communities it serves.“Each building is different because of the size and who lives there,” said Naser, a doctoral degree candidate in the UA’s teaching and teacher education program. “I’m hoping we can factor those differences into the programs.”
I too live on campus, and I am exposed to cultural diversity within my own apartment. One of my roommates' native land is Japan, and her native language is naturally Japanese. Culturally there may seem to be a 'barrier,' but we actually have some things in common. For example, we both have a strong and passionate interest in Theatre. There is a lot that I have to learn about her and the world around me.
Now, I leave you with this thought... Have people endured more of the social justices', or have we been faced more with the social injustices'?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Art Education Funding

- Experience: Students and their teachers will have the chance to experience exemplary works of art, in live form where possible.
- Study: Through the guidance of teachers, teaching artists, and cultural organizations, students will study works of art in order to understand the cultural and social context from which they come, and to appreciate the technical or aesthetic qualities of each work. Where appropriate, study will include the acquisition of skills relevant to practicing the art form.
- Performance: Informed by their experience and study, students will create artwork. In the case of literature, the primary creative activities will be writing or recitation.
- Assessment: Students will be assessed according to national or state arts education standards. Where appropriate, projects will employ multiple forms of assessment
- Programming
- Performing Arts Student Series (PASS)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign

It is important that we ensure a successful future for our nation’s youth, educators—teachers, coaches, school nurses, guidance counselors, and other school personnel are those influential figures—who empower students to make healthy choices to excel in life. The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign recognizes that educators play a key role in helping kids with more than academics and strives to support these efforts by providing useful drug prevention resources and information.
According to The Campaign, a five-year initiative created in 1998 by the White House Office of Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), they place a primary emphasis on delivering prevention messages to kids age 11-17, where they live, play and, especially, learn. The Campaign uses a powerful, integrated communications plan to educate and empower young people to reject illicit drugs. It is imperative that students are educated on such a heavy loaded topic like drugs, because it is detrimental to a students dreams, goals, and aspirations. And most of all, it’s endangering a students life.
As I mentioned before, educators play a major role in aiding students with a healthier way of life; they have also assisted in the success of The Campaign. They have developed one of the nation's most extensive school-based drug education and prevention efforts and used various strategies to reach out to students of different groups, such as: middle and high school students and teachers. If you serve a greater interest, please visit TeachersGuide.org.This website features a variety of the Campaign’s Web-based resources for educators, including standards-based classroom activities, curriculum guides, the latest drug-specific fact sheets and links to other relevant prevention resources.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Safe Schools for Everyone Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Students

- More than a third (37.8%) of students experienced physical harassment at school on the basis of sexual orientation;
- More than a quarter (26.1%) of students experienced physical harassment at school on the basis of their gender expression;
- Nearly one-fifth (17.6%) of students had been physically assaulted because of their sexual orientation;
- Over one-tenth (11.8%) of students had been physically assaulted because of their gender expression.
The NEA claims to be committed to reversing these trends and addressing the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered students.
“There is only one real issue for educators: We are responsible for our students' safety and education. We must ensure that everyone is given the opportunity to achieve and thrive.” -National Education Association (NEA)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
. Welcome One and All .
I am a Senior majoring in Theatre Arts w/ a concentration in Secondary Education. I am interested in education and all that it stands for. Teaching theatre education is a passion of mine, because I strongly believe that the arts are very important in a child’s life, be it academically or personally. I also believe that theatre is a creative and expressive art form in which it enriches us. Having grown up and attended school in Boston it was unfortunate that I was not exposed to theatre in the school system, assuming that it had to do with budget cuts, etc. With that being said, I would like to encourage other students, parents and teachers to help make a difference, and possibly make some major improvements one day.
Well, this is my first online course and I must admit I was a little skeptical at first, but I am certainly warming up to the idea of learning outside of a classroom based class. I thought that it may have been a disconnected experience. Although, I must say that so far I have been proved wrong. With all of the many advances we have with technology, internet, and blogging it has become a sort of connectedness. Looking forward to learning from all of you.
Have a fabulous night!!